
Caption test

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On Reading

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. - Socrates

Why should one read anyway?

For me personally, the short answer is simply to know more of the world I live in. The long answer is a bit more complicated. For the context, books have always been a big part of my life. The library was and still is one of my favourite places. For everything I could imagine being interested in, there was a book for it. I try to read as many books on different topics, from self-help to DNA, as I can. Because right now, it seems to me that reading is the best way to discover what I want to do in life. I'm by no means sure what I want to do (And I probably never will), but I believe that reading might help me find it.

Tips on reading

I don't have any ground-breaking, complicated tips because my approach to reading is a straight-forward. I usually don't take any notes during the reading unless it is something I want to remember. 
My one core tip is: if you want to increase your time reading, decrease your screentime. So instead of scrolling endlessly trough TikTok, you can learn something new and profound.
Next tip is you don't need and in fact shouldn't rush! Social media migh get you to thing that you need to read as many books in the shortest time possible. This is makes sense on paper, but in practice this approach robs you of the time to acctully think about the book.

Book recomendation

Now, here are six books to inspire your curiosity! Happy reading.

At Home - Bill Bryson

At Home - Bill Bryson

A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

Blueprint - Robert Plomin

Blueprint - Robert Plomin

I Contain Multitudes - Ed Yong

I Contain Multitudes - Ed Yong

Atomic Habits - James Clear

Atomic Habits - James Clear

Leonardo Da Vinci - Walter Isaacson

Leonardo Da Vinci - Walter Isaacson